
One-line browser notepad

Original Post was first published in fullweb.io issue #67

One-line browser notepad πŸ“

Sometimes you just need to quickly take some notes.

A trick is to use the data: scheme with data:text/html to show just a piece
of HTML in your browser.
Then using the mighty contentEditable to make the whole thing editable.

To copy/paste into your browser address bar:
html data:text/html,<html contenteditable>

And from there you can get fancier. Adding better styling:
html data:text/html,<html contenteditable autofocus style="font: 500 1rem/1.5 Menlo, monospace; background:#fafafa">

From there, no limit: Turning it into a full editor:

From Jake Moffatt:

``` ` `